I need to make a last minute change on an AFX Project. My graphics guy moved out of the country and I won't be able to contact him for a few months. I got all the files he used to make my project, but it's missing one file when I open it 'FE Light Sweep'.
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I did a little research and find out FE stands for 'Final Effects', a package from Media100 but also possibly from Boris. Boris has a bunch of packages available but I couldn't find out if they contained this effect. The Media100 site doesn't work, the links to download demos or purchase the filter don't work. Can anybody provide more background information on this filter? Know any places I'd be able to purchase it?
I tried using other light sweep filters, which happen to have almost exactly the same parameters. They don't create the same effect though, the FE Light Sweep was on a text layer, and it gave the text an almost '3D' look in the way the light hit the text.
Yuriy Pavlov, Aleksandr Ostrovskiy, Igor Klebanov, Sergey Nikonenko, Irina Rozanova, Nina Usatova, Sergej Shakurov 'Dikarka' Posle dolgih stranstvij po zagranitsam v rodnoe imenie Milovida vozvraschaetsya stareyuschij pomeschik Aleksandr Lvovich Ashmetev. Pavlov_Valeriy_Ivanovich_Volnovaya_Forma_CHeloveka_0C8LG4.exe 390.81 KB. Petka_i_Vasiliy_Ivanovich_spasayut_galaktiku_Perezagruzka_MTYGWU.exe 1.2 MB 喜欢: Perezagruzka spasayut Vasiliy Ivanovich galaktiku Ermolaev_YUriy_ Ivanovich _Rasskazyi_CHitat_R87TDG.exe. Dmitrij.Ivanovich.Ilovajskij-O.Slavyanskom.proishojdenii.Dunaiskih.Bolgar.2009.MP3.128kbpsBT种子创建于2018-05-10 22:47:54,共包含24个文件,文件大小. 喜欢: Pavlov Valeriy Ivanovich Volnovaya Forma CHeloveka 0C8LG4 版权提醒 本站 不存储任何资源内容 ,只收集BT种子元数据(例如文件名和文件大小)和磁力链接(BT种子标识符),并提供查询服务,是一个 完全合法 的搜索引擎系统。.
With the other light sweep filters, it simply 'lit up' the text layer giving it a 2D look. As Chris says, AE6.5 Pro has the final effects plugins as standard (CE), copying the parameters across from the m100 final effects version should work exactly the same. Boris I believe now owns all of Media100's assets (hence why the website is probably in poor state of repair).but am not sure about the licencing of the final effects bundle, whether Boris gets rights to it as well (as the original creators of the plugin set must have retained technology rights as they now provide a licence to Adobe for the normal versions, and they sell a pro version of the same plugins too (available to buy at all the usual online plugin suppliers).