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Oracle 9i For Windows 8 64 Bit

понедельник 22 октября admin 20
Oracle 9i For Windows 8 64 Bit 7,9/10 4815 votes

I ran into the same problem, the issue as was previously mentioned is because the client components (management studio) are installed into a folder with (x86) in the folder name. There is no control over this path name at install time because the SQL Server install routine is doing it. The majority of the management studio is compiled as a 32 bit application so that is why the (x86) is being appended to the folder where the studio is being installed.

Oracle9i Release Notes Release 2 ( for AIX-Based 5L Systems (64-bit) Oracle9 i Database Release 2 (9.2) Compaq Tru64 UNIX Part Number.

When you attampt to import data from within the management studio, the data import wizard (DTSWizard) is passing a string to the Oracle provider with (x86) in the string, this exposes a networking bug in Oracle and it breaks on the parenthesis. There are a couple of workarounds to this and neither are very pretty or what you would want to do in production, but here is a simple workaround that will at least allow you to connect to Oracle and import some data.

When you go through the SQL Server installation you have a choice of where to direct the installation of the database services, the data files, and the client components. You can either accept the defaults which go to the C: drive or you can choose another drive and custom folder name.


Let's say for the client tools you chose an install path and folder name as follows: D: ClientTools What you would end up with after the installation is complete is this: D: ClientTools D: ClientTools (x86) Notice you now have two folders called ClientTools, the first one is where some 64 Bit compiled applications are, and the one with the (x86) are where the majority of the client tools are installed, specifically the management studio and the business intelligence development studio. Workaround: Copy, Paste, and Rename the entire ClientTools (x86) folder as follows: D: ClientToolsx86 Using explorer or from a command prompt, navgiate to the sub folder under ClientToolsx86 and find the DTSWizard, it should be in a folder similar to D: ClientToolsx86 90 DTS Binn Execute the DTSWizard.exe and you should be able to successfully connect to Oracle and import data. One of the many problems with this is although you can connect and import data, you can't set it up as an SSIS package or a job under the SQL Agent because there are a ton of registry keys that point to (x86) as the default location for the management studio I have experimented with hacking the registry and changing all the paths and I did get it working. The last problem I ran into was although I could save and execute an SSIS package, it failed to run as a job under the SQL Agent with no explanation as to why. Oracle does provide an x64 Client and the provider does connect, but it cannot import data because there is a data Precision issue where it cannot convert to Float, Numeric with the proper precision and scale. There is a bug submitted for a patch but it has not been released yet. To connect to Oracle using the x64 Oracle client provider you need to execute the x64 DTSWizard which is not in the management studio, it is located in the D: ClientTools 90 DTS Binn folder, this is where the 64 Bit compiled applications are.

A teammate of mine might have found the problem and 'solution' (it really is a messy workaround right now). 'C: Program Files.' This causes an existing networking bug to occur where the networking layer is unable to parse program locations that contain parenthesis in the path to the executable which is attempting to connect to Oracle. The following bug has been filed to correct this behavior: CANNOT EXTERNALLY AUTHENTICATE USER WITH QUOTE IN USERNAME Additional Information ----------------------- The reason you receive an ORA-12154 vs. An ORA-6413 is generally due to which programmatic interface you have chosen to use to connect to Oracle.

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